The job of an SME building manager is both challenging and rewarding. The working hours are long, risks high, and responsibilities often relegated to a small workforce. One can argue that concerns about the security of equipment, building, and employees are not unlike concerns about the safety of a home and its residents. Here’s a list of ways SMB owners and managers can increase safety for their property and business 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
Analyse business risks and company culture
The way you approach the building security and safety sends a message to both your employees and clients about what kind of company you want to become. Overhanging security cameras, remotely-activated doors, and mandatory ID cards might make your business look like a top-secret government installation. On the other hand, the total absence of any visible security measures might speak of a laid back approach to securing the company assets and workforce.
Appraise potential loss
Determining the level of physical and digital security that your company needs becomes easier if you apply a universal risk analysis formula R=PxC, where R stands for Risk, P for probability, and C for consequences. Take a look at all the security incidents your business has had in the past two years and estimate the potential loss or non-financial consequences associated with each threat. When the estimate is done, look for solutions that will eliminate or minimize the chances of each incident repeating. The measures should also reduce the impact and magnitude of the incident, as well as enhance the recovery measures.
Ensure absolute access control
Business owners and managers are constantly in motion, whether within the company limits or in the field. The latest technological achievements in access control systems allow them to control access remotely, using mobile devices like smartphones and tablets. Still when the high tech fails, and one gets locked out, they still need an emergency response locksmith service to solve the problem. For example, if a scheduled delivery needs to be made via the main gate, using a remote technology a shift manager can grant temporary access to the premises and revoke it as soon as the goods are unloaded.
Focus on digital security
The increasing incidence of data breaches has raised digital security measures to a high priority level for every SME. One way of gaining customers’ trust is keeping their personal data, like name, address, and financial details safe from cyber-attack. For example, a gym that is open 24 hours a day can have automated security solutions that grant members with key cards access, while keeping unauthorised persons out. Even with no overnight staff, paying members who like to take advantage of extended working hours can exercise without worrying about their safety, while the owners know that their assets and patrons are protected even with no staff around.
Eliminate risks from inside
The security solutions you’re looking to implement shouldn’t be measured simply by their efficiency and cost, but also by their impact on your business culture. For example, if the assessment has identified employee theft as one of the highest risks, video surveillance coupled with 24/7 access control eliminates the need of additionally security valuable assets, which also saves time employees would waste signing them out from a specialised storage. By letting non-invasive technology do the ‘policing’, you’re keeping the atmosphere in the company relaxed and enabling yourself to keep any security breach a strictly technical issue.
While challenges that will test the security measures in your SMB can never be completely eliminated, any security measure you implement becomes much more effective if you assess internal and external risks and evaluate potential consequences beforehand.