Why Should Every Blog Start With a Coming Soon Page?
Should you create a coming soon page before you start your blog? Our answer is a definitive Yes.
Why do I need it?
There are several mammoth reasons to start off with a perfect Coming Soon page. This may sound intimidating right now, as it is an extra step to take before you launch and start earning money that you probably haven’t considered yet. However, once the benefits of having it are there in the back of your mind, we are sure you won’t be able to resist the temptation. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=saeCtruLgz4&feature=youtu.be Imagine this: you have spent hours and countless nerves figuring out the best possible website for your blog. You have picked the theme, set up all the widgets you would like to have, or you have spent quite a bit on your developer to do that for you. Your initial blog post is perfect, though you wish you had the time to remove those three words from paragraph or two. The launch date is today, and you are thrilled. Yet, you are the only one (or maybe the developer, too) that gets to enjoy the hard work, simply because no one else knows about your blog but you! The perfect website has no initial momentum, and no matter how many times you click “refresh” on your statistics page, the number of views is still one – you. This can get quite depressing, and you may feel as if both you and your website are circling around in the endless black hole of the internet. You sigh, as you realize the tremendous work ahead of actually promoting it and getting visitors to your website. This is where everyone who has used the Coming Soon page gets to say “I told you so”. This tremendous work could have been done beforehand, or even better, it would have happened on its own. Let us prevent the terrible scenario before it happens to you.
Guests are coming – clean it up!
What is worse than a non-existent website? A website that is a total mess. No one wants to see that. However, the ugly truth is, you cannot create something without getting your hands dirty. To get the perfect website, it will be in the ugly duckling phase for quite some time. The bigger of a perfectionist you are, the longer the perfect website is going to take. You don’t want your customers to see the work in progress, because you know no one wants to part with their money. For that reason, the website should look flawless, not scammy. You want to look credible, professional and like someone who knows what they are doing, so that they will put their trust – and money – in your hands. You need a Coming Soon page. While the whole website can take several weeks to set up, with a free Coming Soon plugin for WordPress, you can set up an immaculate Coming Soon page in a matter of minutes. Even though it takes just a couple of minutes, it will not look hastily done – it is a single page after all, with just enough information on it. Hide the work in progress and have your customers wait for your website with an awesome first impression. If you have a Coming Soon page, you don’t have to worry about losing your credibility over a bunch of typos, disproportional images, or a non-working map.
Get them to talk to you
Get the people that are interested in what you do or offer behind and cheering for the website before it is even a website. You might have a number of social media followers, but what do you do with them? They are no good just on Instagram (or Facebook, if they are old school). Give them a link they can work with – the link to your “in progress” website currently in the Coming Soon status. Make sure to add the “Subscribe” button, or some other Call to Action form of your choosing. You need them to give you their email. Once you have the emails of your interested social media followers, it is extremely easy to get them excited about your launch date, blog posts, product or services. At that point, all you need is a great newsletter and you won’t have to install additional plugins for the job. If this is set and done before the launch, your website will not be a part of the black hole, but rather a rabbit hole for your potential customer to get lost in. There is another side to this. You could be getting some traffic on your Coming Soon, but without actual content on it, it seems that these people won’t get back once the content is there? Make sure to use social media icons, and divert your potential clients to places that are less in progress, such as your Facebook page.
Reserve your spot at Google Search results
You don’t want your customer to go to the competition just because you haven’t launched yet? We don’t want that to happen, either. The Coming Soon page can help you get organic traffic, even before you have something concrete to say. You know your keywords and what your customers search for. Even if you don’t, the plugin that you can use to create the page can give you a helping hand with your SEO. So, why don’t you get a stronghold on that and make sure that you are the solution that they will see first? Once they land on your page, you want to keep them there, or at least get their email address. You can do this by making sure that your Coming Soon page is impeccable. Put up a theme that looks beautiful and relates to what you do to get the most out of the first impression. It will help with minimizing the chance of them hitting the “back” button. Use the theme to add the most descriptive and informative elevator pitch you’ve got. You want them to know what you do and why you should be the one to help them. This should be enough for them to take the bait, and leave you with their email address so that you can start the conversation!