
How to Integrate Spring Boot with Thymeleaf: A Step-by-Step Guide

Spring framework is one of the leading frameworks in the JAVA world and developers across the globe utilize it for developing reliable and high-quality Enterprise-level applications. Of late, developers have also started using the alternative form of Spring framework popularly termed as Spring Boot. 

This blog post will take you through a series of steps each designed in a way to help you understand how to integrate Spring Boot with Thymeleaf. However, before we begin, we do need to understand a little about Spring Boot and Thymeleaf too.

What is the Spring Boot Framework?

The Spring Boot framework came into existence to resolve bootstrapping issues and design new applications. It provides a default set of codes and configuration steps which makes it easier for the developers to integrate it into their applications. 

The framework operates on the “Opinionated Defaults Configuration” approach and boasts three major aspects of any application development process:

  • Development
  • Unit Testing 
  • Integration Testing

What is Thymeleaf?

Thymeleaf is a simple Java-based template which allows you to create both web and standalone applications. By default, Thymeleaf comes with 6 templates namely: 

  • XML 
  • Valid XML
  • Valid XHTML
  • HTML5
  • Legacy HTML5

Additionally, developers also consider Thymeleaf ideal for HTML5 JVM web development because it gives them the flexibility to customize the code based on their project requirements and because it supports a good range of Spring frameworks and additional tools.

Integrating Spring Boot with Thymeleaf – A Step Guide

With the basics in place, it is time to begin with our next segment which details the actual integration process in a step-wise manner. You can integrate both in multiple ways, however, for the sake of convenience, we will walk you through a manual JAVA configuration to set up Thymeleaf with Spring Boot.

Checking Pre-requisite Tools and Software 

Your system must have the following tools and software installed before you start with the integration process: 

  1. JAVA 8 
  2. Spring Boot 
  3. Thymeleaf v3.0
  4. Maven v3.3
  5. Eclipse

Project Structure

Once you have executed all the steps carefully, your basic project structure should look something like the following:




│   ───java

│   │ └───com

│   │     └───zetcode

│   │         │

│   │         └───config

│   │       

│   └───resources

│       └───my templates

│               index.html



Note: Thymeleaf stores all its template files in the following custom directory: src/main/resources/mytemplates while its default template directory is: src/main/resources/templates.

Working Out the Basic Installation

Spring Boot uses JAVA SDK v1.8 or higher by default to run smoothly. To check which version of JAVA is installed on your system, you need to run the following code on your DOS prompt: 

$ java –version

java version “1.8.0_102”

Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_102-b14)

Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.102-b14, mixed mode)

  • If you see a similar output on your DOS prompt you do have JAVA installed. In case, nothing appears, proceed to the given link to install JDK and set up the PATH Environment variable on your system.
  • As Eclipse is also a mandate, you need to download the latest build and install Eclipse on your system based on your operating system. Once it’s done, execute the Eclipse.exe file.
  • Next, you can install Maven in two ways: 
  1. Within the Eclipse IDE: The steps are as follows: 
    1. Open your Eclipse IDE and click HELP >> Install New Software 
    2. Click on the ADD button to add a new repository 
    3. In the popup box, fill out the: 
      1. Name: M2Eclipse 
      2. Location:
    4. Once done, select all the plugins and click on NEXT 
    5. Accept the terms and conditions of the agreement and click Finish
    6. Once the process is complete, you will be asked to restart Eclipse IDE. Click on YES to restart the IDE.
  2. Installing Maven using the PATH variable: In this process, you need to add the bin folder with the mvn command to the PATH variable. Follow the installation guide here: Installing Maven through PATH

Next, run the following command to check for Maven installation:

$ mvn –v

Apache Maven 3.5.4 (1edded0938998edf8bf061f1ceb3cfdeccf443fe; 2018-06-17T14:33:14-04:00)

Maven home: /usr/local/Cellar/maven/3.3.9/libexec

Java version: 1.8.0_102, vendor: Oracle Corporation

Once both Eclipse and Maven are installed, move onto the next section and check for the dependencies required to integrate Thymeleaf with Spring Boot.

Integrating Thymeleaf with Spring Boot – The Actual Process

  • To integrate Thymeleaf with Spring Boot, we first need to execute the following Maven dependency:




  • Since, we are using Thymeleaf v3.0 in this guide, we also need to configure the following two properties in the “pom.xml” file: 
  1. thymeleaf.version
  2. thymeleaf-layout-dialect.version





  • In this step, we would create our “pom.xml” file. To create, open any text editor of your choice like say “Notepad++” and add the following code to it. Once done, save the file under the name “pom.xml” which you can later use to build up your project. 
<?xml version=”1.0″ encoding=”UTF-8″?>

<project xmlns=”″












































  • Once you have created the “pom.xml” file, you need to configure Thymeleaf using the “” file and set up a ‘view’ and ‘controller’ for the homepage. 

Use the following programming code to achieve the stated task: 

package com.zetcode.config;

import org.springframework.context.annotation.Bean;

import org.springframework.context.annotation.Configuration;

import org.springframework.context.annotation.Description;

import org.springframework.web.servlet.ViewResolver;

import org.springframework.web.servlet.config.annotation.ViewControllerRegistry;

import org.springframework.web.servlet.config.annotation.WebMvcConfigurer;

import org.thymeleaf.spring5.SpringTemplateEngine;

import org.thymeleaf.spring5.view.ThymeleafViewResolver;

import org.thymeleaf.templateresolver.ClassLoaderTemplateResolver;


public class WebConfig implements WebMvcConfigurer {


    @Description(“Thymeleaf template resolver serving HTML 5”)

    public ClassLoaderTemplateResolver templateResolver() {

        var templateResolver = new ClassLoaderTemplateResolver();






        return templateResolver;



    @Description(“Thymeleaf template engine with Spring integration”)

    public SpringTemplateEngine templateEngine() {

        var templateEngine = new SpringTemplateEngine();


        return templateEngine;



    @Description(“Thymeleaf view resolver”)

    public ViewResolver viewResolver() {

        var viewResolver = new ThymeleafViewResolver();



        return viewResolver;



    public void addViewControllers(ViewControllerRegistry registry) {




  • We also need to define a dedicated template resolver which would help us resolve various templates into different “TemplateResolution” objects.

You can call up the templates located on your CLASSPATH using “ClassLoaderTemplateResolver” method.


@Description(“Thymeleaf template resolver serving HTML 5”)

public ClassLoaderTemplateResolver templateResolver() {

Note: To serve HTML5 content, you can execute the following code:


  • The following code will help you create a Thymeleaf template engine with Spring integration:

@Description(“Thymeleaf template engine with Spring integration”)

public SpringTemplateEngine templateEngine() {


    var templateEngine = new SpringTemplateEngine();


    return templateEngine;


  • In case you need to display the current date, change the “resources/templates/index.html” file with the following code:
<!DOCTYPE html>

<html xmlns:th=””>


        <title>Home page</title>

        <meta charset=”UTF-8″/>

        <meta name=”viewport” content=”width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0″/>




        <span th:text=”‘Today is: ‘ + ${#dates.format(#dates.createNow(), ‘dd MMM yyyy HH:mm’)}” th:remove=”tag”></span>




  • To set up the Spring Boot application for execution, you need to edit the “com/zetcode/” file with the following code:
package com.zetcode;

import org.springframework.boot.SpringApplication;

import org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.SpringBootApplication;


public class Application {

    public static void main(String[] args) {, args);



Executing the Code

With all the files edited successfully, execute your application using the following code:

$ mvn spring-boot:run

 Once executed your output should look similar to the following: 


$ curl localhost:8080

<!DOCTYPE html>



    <title>Home page</title>

    <meta charset=”UTF-8″>

    <meta name=”viewport” content=”width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0″>




    Today is: 08 Sep 2019 02:01



If you do see a similar output, that means you have successfully integrated Spring Boot into Thymeleaf.

Note: You can exit the application using the following key combination: CTRL + C

We hope you will find this step-by-guide to Spring Boot integration with Thymeleaf helpful. Do comment below and let us know how it turned out for you!

About Author: Johnny Morgan Technical writer with a keen interest in new technology and innovation areas. He focuses on web architecture, web technologies, Java/J2EE, open-source, WebRTC, big data and CRM. He is also associated with Aegis Infoways which offers Java Programmers India .



What is the Purpose of Push Buttons in Electrical Systems?

In the vast majority of cases, a circuit must be capable of being switched on and off to be useful. According to an uninterrupted flow of electricity through the various components is usually key to the functioning of a circuit. However, there are also times when the current must be arrested in order for a given system to function properly.

This is why switches were created.

Offered in a variety of different types, design concerns, functionality and aesthetic considerations can often combine to create situations in which the use of rotary, rocker, slide, or toggle switches are inappropriate. The purpose of push buttons in electrical systems then becomes apparent.

Advantages of Push Buttons

Typically requiring less space on a faceplate or a console, push-button switches are ideal when placement is a major concern. They can also be easier to use, as they require a simple touch rather than a range of movement.

Further, the potential for accidental engagement is reduced with push buttons. There’s less chance of inadvertently bumping into it and activating or deactivating the circuit. Push buttons must be definitively touched to function.

How Push Buttons Work

A common variety of switches employed on industrial control panels, most push buttons, like some of those offered by Schneider Electric, have internal spring mechanisms returning the buttons to their “out” or “unpressed” positions for momentary operation.

This spring contacts two wires, allowing electricity to flow when the switch is in the “on” position. The spring retracts; interrupting contact and breaking the circuit when the switch is in the “off” position.

Types of Push Button Switches

By and large, push button switches fall into one of the following categories.

Normally-Off: The circuit is broken until the button is pressed. A good example of this a doorbell. Touching the button completes the circuit and causes the bell to ring. The ringer continues to function as long as you hold the button depressed and stops when you release it.

Normally-On: The circuit is complete until the button is depressed, and interrupts the flow of electricity. In other words, pressing the button turns the device off.

Non-Momentary Contact: Typically found on radios, television sets and audio amplifiers, these push buttons require a touch to close the circuit and another touch to open it. In other words, the device will continue to function once you press the button, until it is pressed again. In some instances, a non-momentary pushbutton will require the user to physically pull the button out to interrupt the circuit once it has been activated.

Push Button Categories

Separated into types, usually based upon the method by which they function, push button switches are categorized based upon the following attributes.

• Single-throw

• Double-throw

• Contact type

• Mounting type

• Actuator type

• Panel cutout diameter

Regarding the latter, the most commonly employed industrial size is 30 mm.

Push Button Ratings

Push button switches are also rated according to the current and voltage they are designed to manage. This is important to understand, as system designers must specify the appropriate component for everything to properly function.

You’ll need to specify larger, more expensive parts when you’re dealing with higher voltage and/or current requirements. However, it’s also important to ensure the switches employed are only as large as necessary to keep costs in line.

Simply put, the purpose of push button switches in electrical systems is to serve convenience, aesthetic, and safety needs. While their basic function is to close and/or open a circuit, push button switches also give designers a wider range of configuration options.


Psychology Tricks That Will Help You Improve Your Online Shop

Every shop owner knows just how important it is to appeal to her or his customers. When you’re setting up an online shop, your website plays an essential role in the process of determining whether your product, brand, or services are suitable for the visitors that scroll through your online store.

Understing what drives your potential buyers is one of the most crucial aspects of running any business that aims at being successful. That’s why you need to use every trick in the book to maximize your profit and ROI (return on investment). There are arguably only a few better ways to accomplish this than by using psychology.

A huge part of the discipline is connected to trying to better understand our behaviors, desires, needs, ideas, cognitive functions, the way we perceive the world and how we react to it, as well as how we interact with one another. That’s why this field of human practice can be proven to be so effective in business-related things. And that’s exactly why, in this article, we’re going to talk about some psychology tricks that you can use and implement to improve your online shop.

Get the Most Out of ’Priming’ – Use the Power of Associations to Your Advantage

Priming is a technical term used to describe a memory effect where one stimulus triggers another, through the process of making associations. The fact that we constantly use associations to better understand what happens around us can be a deciding factor in what a person will buy, for example.

One study, in particular, showed that there’s a big difference in which wine the consumers were choosing to buy, depending on the type of music that played in the background. When the store owners were playing French-sounding music, there was an increase in sales of French wines. On another occasion, the store owners were playing German-sounding music and they sold more German wines as a consequence.

There are many more examples similar to this, but all of them show you that anything you put on your website will hugely impact how the visitors perceive your brand. The fact that you can influence their decisions like this shouldn’t be taken lightly.

Steer the Visitors Into Making the Right Choice

Because you have this power to influence your visitors’ opinions about your brand, product, or services, you need to make sure to use the most of it. With the right graphic design solutions, like those that Orion Creative provides, for instance, you can point your visitors into any direction you like. For example, if you want them to opt for a certain product, you should direct them towards your priority choice.

One way to effectively accomplish this is by giving them multiple choices. Let’s say you have a product 1, 2, and 3, and you want them to buy the product number 2. You make a design that accentuates the merits of product number 2. Product numbers 1 and 3 are there only to emphasize these benefits of product number 2. You should note that this should be done rather discretely since you don’t want your customers to realize that you’re steering them in a certain direction.

Establish a Connection With the Potential Consumers

Another great way to further engage your potential clients is to establish a strong connection, the one that’s long-lasting preferably. You want the consumers to come back time and time again and shop at your online store. The best way to accomplish this is by having a good brand or product, naturally. But in many cases, this is not enough. That’s why you have to consider these effective psychological tricks.

For instance, one way to engage your consumers better and make this connection with them is by addressing them in an effective tone of voice. You need to know what your target audience is first, to make this work. You’re not going to talk the same way to all age groups and genders. Your potential buyers should have a feeling like you’re talking directly to them. No one likes to read automated messages or sentences – you need to realize that you’re addressing living beings, not robots.

Use Different Perspectives to Attract and Target Different Audiences

While we’re on the subject, we also want to talk about using different perspectives to attract and target different audiences. The fact that you’re talking to the living, human beings also means that you need to pay attention to the way you’re addressing these people. We’ve already indicated that you’re probably not going to talk the same way to someone who’s 7 or 77.

This is why you want to make sure you’re using a different perspective to talk to these persons. You should always keep in mind this fact and adjust the lingo accordingly. If you want to appeal to teenagers, for example, you probably don’t want to sound too rigid or uptight. And if your website aims at addressing a certain scientific community, for instance, you definitely don’t want to sound too informal and laid-back.

In Summary

Psychology is a field of human practice that has developed many powerful tools. Some of them can be used effectively in business-related things. In this article, we’ve tried to show you some psychology tricks that can help you improve your online shop. These include getting most out of priming, steering the visitors into making the right choice, establishing a connection with your consumers, and using different perspectives to attract and target different audiences. It goes without saying that all these techniques are useful only if you develop a strong visual identity for your online store or a brand.


Why a Data-Driven Construction Process is the Only Way Forward

Being data-driven means building abilities, tools and a culture that acts on data. With the emergence of big data seeping in the construction industry, construction companies are adapting and innovating construction technology tools to process large quantities of construction data and extracting their value to their advantage. As more construction technology suppliers continue to study construction data and how to utilize them, it has become apparent that data-drivenness not only advances individual construction companies, it is vital for maturing the entire global construction industry. 

How do we create a data-driven construction company?

According to Carl Anderson in his book, Creating a Data-Driven Organisation, for a company to become data-driven, it has to have the following company qualities:

1. It must collect data.

For a construction company to be data-driven, it has to collect the right data. The collected data set must be relevant, timely, accurate, clean, unbiased and reliable. Data alone is not enough, quality data is what’s valuable.

2. It can access and query its data.

Other than being accurate, timely, and relevant, data must also be:

  • Joinable. The data must be in a form that can be joined to other enterprise data, when necessary. 
  • Shareable. For data to be joined, they must be shareable within a data-sharing company culture.
  • Queryable. There must be proper tools to query the data. Data reporting and analysis require grouping, filtering, and aggregating of data to prune large raw data into smaller sets of quality numbers and to compute metrics easily. 

3. It has the right people with the right skills to use its data. 

For a construction company to be data-driven, it has to have the right people to ask the correct questions of the data with the skills to extract the right data and metrics and to use that data for future steps. The right people should be able to utilise the data for:

  • Reporting. Reporting is basically extracting data and generating a report from it.
  • Alerting. Alerts are basically reports of what is currently happening. They provide specific data with well-designed metrics.
  • Analysis. The analysis is the investigation of data assets into usable insights that will help in decision making and drive actions using people, processes, and technologies. 

The hallmarks of data-drivenness

A data-driven construction company does at least one of the following three things that prioritize high-quality data and skilled analysis for future-proofed decision making, according to Anderson:

  1. A data-driven company performs continuous tests for process improvement. 
  2. A data-driven company has a continuous improvement mindset.
  3. A data-driven company is involved in predictive actions.

Data-driven processes demand transformation

Other than promoting an evidence-based culture, being data-driven makes construction processes and operations more precise, predictable and efficient. From greater demands in quality construction execution to building end-user comfort, data-driven efficiency demands for transformation in a lot of construction aspects.

Construction technologies and big data

The development and use of digital technologies and processes are essential in the required transformation of construction as an industry. Digitalization creates new functionalities along the entire value chain from the early phases of design to the final handover, up until the operational maintenance of a building project. The use of big data and analytics generate quality insights from the data gathered during the construction and the operations phase. Simulations and virtual reality identify clashes (clash detection) during the design stages. Using mobile connectivity allows real-time communication within companies and provide their construction teams with vital on-site information. 

A single platform for construction management

No two projects are identical but useful concepts and processes from one project can prove helpful when applied to another. The ideal goal is for companies to standardize these “lessons” for construction management to go through continuous improvement across projects. To facilitate the implementation of such standardization, using a company-wide software tool is ideal while taking note of the following steps. 

  1. Collect and consolidate construction project management data. Ideally, a monitoring system with a robust reporting tool should be in place to enable the continuous collection of project data.
  2. Standardize best practices. Evaluate individual projects and develop a list of best practice processes that can be used in a variety of different projects.
  3. Apply best-practice standards at the project level. Make your best practices mandatory and apply at the project level. 

Better management of subcontractors and suppliers

Poor coordination of purchasing materials and components delay projects and can create serious scheduling and costing problems. Hence, it is critical to integrate suppliers and subcontractors more effectively. Adopting construction technologies and related tools can help integrate the supply chain more closely and establish an agile and transparent supply chain throughout the entire project. These digital tools can improve service and reduce costs by providing end-to-end visibility and solution to the supply chain. 


Building Information Modeling (BIM) is gaining importance as a platform for central integrated design, modeling, planning, and collaboration. BIM provides all stakeholders with a digital representation of a building’s characteristics throughout its life cycle and provides several important opportunities. It facilitates a collaborative way of working among all stakeholders, from early design until operations and maintenance. By doing so, it promises great efficiency gains. 

Lean construction methods and management

A lean approach reduces complexity and uncertainty by reducing waste and non-value-adding activities throughout the entire value chain: it reduces, for instance, schedule deviations, waiting, stocks of building materials, transportation, rework and unused or underutilized resources. In that way, it makes processes more stable, predictable and efficient. That’s according to Lean Station. Other than improvements in cost and delivery, lean processes also better quality and safety with new digital construction tools that can help greatly in performing crucial safety processes and inspections.

Meticulous project monitoring

Project monitoring, especially on site, needs to be more real-time, forward-looking and future-proofed. It is also imperative for it to provide actionable data that can bring projects back on track. 

Smart buildings

With more technological advances being incorporated in modern buildings and construction, the cost of sensors, data storage, and computing services have gone down. With the prices getting more affordable, the general consumers and the government have been demanding greater energy efficiency in buildings and improved safety and convenience through connected devices and the Internet of Things (IoT). These improved and automated lighting and temperature controls and remote servicing also benefit the building owners and building end-users: reduced operating costs, reduced energy usage, greater comfort, and increased operational efficiency.

Construction software and apps play an important role in the implementation of the mentioned demands and needed transformations. They can also play a role in the crucial process of capturing as-built data from projects versus “as-designed”, which contains the original design drawings. The current construction industry transformation will rely increasingly on construction management software tools and BIM: they are capable of coordinating all stakeholders of a project and can facilitate on-site construction processes. The key is rethinking the approach to these construction processes and operations, that they can be receptive to these digital tools.

The Way Forward

The construction industry has been slow in adopting new technologies and is only embarking on a journey of the modern transformation. According to the World Economic Forum, this new era in construction will bring benefits for the wider society, the environment, and the economy by 

  1. reducing construction costs and adverse social effects
  2. improving the efficient use of scarce materials and reducing adverse environmental impact of buildings over time
  3. narrowing the global infrastructure gap and boosting economic development in general. 

This promise will unfold very soon, and very remarkably. Sweeping changes are taking place, however not yet on a wide scale. A lot of things are to be done. 

To move the industry forward, all stakeholders along the construction value chain should take action. The industry in its entirety should improve coordination and cooperation and agree on standards and common industry goals. Many of the challenges are common across the sector, but the industry remains variegated and fragmented. Construction companies have to choose their own paths of innovations and actions that suit their own visions and their clients’ needs to secure their individual futures and ensure an inspiring future for the entire industry.

About the author

Anastasios Koutsogiannis is Content Marketing Manager at LetsBuild.


Top Perks of LED Lighting for Our Environment 

Keeping our environment safe is everyone’s responsibility. You already know of eco-friendly products such as solar panels and recycling processes to keep our ecology safe for the years to come. These initiatives help in reducing the waste that’s produced every day and minimizing the carbon footprint. Most offices today have gone green with a paperless environment. Then, many people are still unaware of new technologies and products. An ideal example is LED lighting in homes and streets.

According to an article published on, LED lights are an essential climate change solutions, minimizing air pollution. Read on to learn about the top benefits of LED lights to our environment.

No deadly substances

LED lights have no toxic or poisonous elements. Many commercial establishments use fluorescent strip lights containing toxic chemicals like mercury. Mercury pollutes our environment when the same is thrown in landfills as waste. 

Therefore, it is imperative to ditch fluorescent lights and embrace LEDs for a cleaner, safer environment. Even if you have lights with noxious elements, they should be disposed of through proper waste carriers. LED lights are also cost-effective and protect our ecology from air pollution. Install LED lights in your home and office and do your part to keep the environment clean. 

Save energy

Did you know that LED lights are up to 80 percent more energy-efficient than conventional bulbs and tubes? Most of the energy, 95 percent of it in LEDs are transformed into light and just five percent into heat. Fluorescent lights, on the contrary, change 95 percent of electrical energy into heat and only five percent into the light. You can read more about LEDs on websites like or similar ones.

LED lights also absorb less energy than traditional lighting systems. Did you know that a 36-watt LED could emit the same amount of light and take the place of a standard fluorescent light? Less energy consumption means less demand from power plants, thus cutting back on greenhouse gas emissions into our environment leading to global warming and climate change.

More light distribution

Led lights have much better light distribution capacity and focus the light in a single direction. Conventional lights waste electrical energy by emitting light to all directions, even illumining areas or parts of a room where light is not required, like the room ceiling. 

LEDs have the same brightness levels provided by incandescent and fluorescent lights without inflating your power bills. Fewer lights in homes and streets will minimize electrical energy consumption and benefit the environment as a whole. 


LEDs last longer than traditional lights and therefore means reduced carbon emissions. Your LED lights last up to six times more than standard lighting systems. Therefore, you do not need to replace them often compared to traditional lighting. All this means the use of fewer lights and fewer resources required for the production process, packaging, and transportation of lights. It is not only beneficial for our environment but also saves much of your money.


Now that you know about the benefits of LED lights, install these and remove the standard lights. You will save money and contribute to a green environment.


Toronto: Drone Filming Tips for the Best Videos Ever

Drone Filming has started to become popular and most of the experienced, as well as beginner filmmakers, are using drone shots in the films. As a professional, it is not difficult to understand the kinds of shots that will help in performing the best. However, as a beginner, it is crucial to have certain tips in your mind so that you can get killer shots while drone filming. You need to consider the tips that have been mentioned above so that you can help your footage become unique and stand out. 

Combine the different movements of the Axis

Your footage is not going to stand out if your drone is only moving forward and backward. It is your responsibility to add depth to the footage and to do so you must try different combinations of the axis movements. For example, you can fly up as well as backward and fly sideways when you are flying forward and up. Ensure that you are being gentle on the control sticks because steady and slow movements can help in making the footage cinematic. If you are not well versed with operating your drone, you can use the Tapfly method. This method will help you to fly your drone steadily and allow you to achieve complex flights easily. 


Circling any particular object is responsible for adding a huge and great cinematic impact to the entire footage. You have the option of navigating circles manually by taking care of the target while flying sideways as well as moving in the opposite directions. You have to understand that circling any particular object is going to take the training. You can use the point of interest in intelligent flight mode. This mode will help you to circle any object smoothly, and you have to adjust the radius and height. This is one of the most important and crucial tips that you need to follow if you are interested in drone filming. 

Fly your drone at low altitude

Most people are responsible for assuming that drone filming is mostly associated with gaining height. Flying at a high altitude can indeed help in accommodating more shooting space; however, flying your drone at a low altitude can help in showing detailed objects and can also create immersive experiences. Apart from that, when you are speeding up, you have the freedom of conveying intense feelings through the footage. Ensure that you are paying attention to your flight environment, especially any kind of obstacle so that you can ensure the safety of flight. 

Follow the subject from various angles

According to, following a particular subject right from behind is one of the classic filming moves. However, it is not difficult to film your subject from various angles with the help of your drone and it is suggested that you try them. This is going to help in making your footage creative as well as intriguing and interesting.


Drone filming is extremely exciting. Ensure that you are keeping these maneuvers and techniques on your mind so that it becomes easy for you to get the best shots.


5 Startups in the Cannabis Industry That Will Inspire You to Start Your Own Business

If you are thinking of starting a business in the cannabis industry, you are definitely on the right track when it comes to profit. With the right idea and a good team, you will be able to thrive and advance with almost unstoppable speed. 

The cannabis industry is now legal across different countries, making it one of the fastest-growing in the world. This is the main reason why a lot of people decide to invest their money in it. Not to mention the fact that it was worth $13.8 billion in 2018.

The cannabis industry is made out of four different branches – medical, recreational, industrial, and CBD oil. Though you will often see these branches crossing over to suit consumer needs. For example, some take CBD with THC for medical and recreational use. Depending on your ideas, don’t be afraid to mix and match branches for your target audience or business needs.

That being said, the most profitable one (and fastest-growing) at the moment is medical cannabis – worth $5.1 billion! Recreational cannabis is close second and is worth $3.2 billion. Those are indeed some inspiring numbers.

So if you are looking for business inspiration, you are in the right place! In this article, we will take a look at some of the most popular startups in the cannabis industry. The secret to their success is unique ideas and of course, a good business plan. This will give you an idea of what is already out there and how it functions.


LeafLink is an online marketplace for wholesale cannabis. This service helps retailers with the management aspects of all cannabis businesses, providing products like CRM, streamlined ordering, reporting tools, and shipment queues.


If you want to connect with other cannabis enthusiasts, then MassRoots is a platform designed just for you! You can use it for searching nearby dispensaries, write and get reviews, and post your own photos.


According to recent reports, Amazon is the most popular online retailer in the world. Eaze is known as the Amazon for medical cannabis and is rapidly expanding. It is connected with a lot of dispensaries, offering a variety of products and delivering them to your homes.

Surterra Holdings

Surterra Holdings is most known as a cannabis-based therapy company. It manufactures and distributes medical cannabis products, such as vape pens, oils, transdermal patches, tinctures, sprays, and lotions.


Last but not least is the recruitment platform that helps connect people who are looking for a career in the cannabis industry. The service managed to find jobs for thousands of people so far and help them earn money by doing what they are inspired to do.

Bottom Line

As you can see, all these services offer something unique and what people really need. This is a powerful combination when it comes to business. 

So what do you think? Are you still interested in starting a business in the cannabis industry? Or maybe you already have a startup? Share your thoughts and experiences with us in the comment section below.

For more information about the cannabis industry, take a look at the infographic below.


Should You Hire a Freelance Writer for Your Business?

Content marketing is a must-have strategy for any business in 2019 for big corporations and personal brands alike. Your positioning in the niche and your reputation depend on it greatly. There is just one pesky downside – maintaining a blog takes a lot of time. Now, delegating some of the most time-consuming tasks to the professionals sounds like a good idea, yet will it work for your business?

Another issue is value for money. Services of a good writer can be costly, and if you are a small company or an individual webpreneur, your budget might be limited. Of course, you can always use a paper help discount code and order content from a service that matches you with content writers on a budget. Yet that’s a one-off solution for emergencies. What about long-time strategies, then?

To decide whether hiring an external freelance writer for your business, you must consider the following:

Personality and consistency

You want all your content and all messages to your audience from your brand to be consistently written in your brand’s tone of voice. That’s why hiring a freelance writer is tricky, since inconsistency in style will be apparent at first glance.

If you are a big and established brand with a style handbook, this issue can be navigated, since you have guidelines, recommendations, and a comprehensive portfolio of text that your ghostwriter can study and take as an example. Plus, there is a chance that your style is already known to them.

Still, even the most skilled and experienced writer does not possess the personality of your CEO or whoever they are tasked to mimic. So for content intended for the upper segments of the sales funnel, when you want your audience simply to see and read you, hiring freelancers makes sense. However, for the authoritative content with which you plan to build your reputation as the opinion leader in the niche, it’s better to use your own resources. Same goes for the strategic content that will make your visitors into leads and, subsequently, customers. 

Hire an in-house writer or editor if you think that your writing skills need some polishing, but write the content yourself. Who else but you has the expertise and authentic experience your audience came here for?

Consider the right balance

Working with freelance writers can be a good investment for your company when you begin positioning yourself. After all, they are professionals and their strong skills and abilities are something to learn from. Working with a writer can even help you to develop your brand’s tone of voice and your own writing style, which is a great investment in your business and the quality of the future content.

However, content writers usually lack technical and background expertise, even if they work in the same niche or with similar companies as yours. It isn’t really fair to expect it from them. Still, you can have the best of two worlds. You can jot down your ideas in a first quick-and-dirty draft and task your freelance writer with polishing it. This way you will present your audience with valuable insights in a sleek readable form.


Another thing to consider is the intended platform. If the blog is hosted on your website, it gives you more flexibility with style and format. It’s a good place for both in-depth contents that requires an understanding of your brand and for entertaining stuff that hooks the passers-by and attracts a wider audience.

However, if you intend to win the social media game, you must play by their rules. To be the best on Facebook or Twitter you must hire a skilled SMM manager rather than a talented copywriter. If you seriously relying on social media for your success, you need someone who knows the subtleties of these channels, their audiences and ways to engage them.

All in all, it’s a decision that you make based on your company’s needs, available budget, and costs and benefits ratio. Either in-house or freelance – a writer is certainly not a must-have even in a content marketing game.


How Can SEO Professionals Do Business in a Sluggish Economy?

The SEO industry has resumed back its course, after the recent Google update! Now the SEO vertical is booming, and there are ample business opportunities that SEO professionals can grab and leverage. But there’s no guarantee, that’s how everything is going to be forever. The economy can change anytime and become sluggish. It can hamper business, and the SEO professionals might not have the required strategy to work their way out.

Economic downswings are inevitable! It occurs when you least expect them. Sometimes, SEO experts can see vital signs. An economic downswing will impact an SEO professional’s capacity to maintain revenue. But when you work out way well enough, you can even thrive during a slow economy. Today, you need to join hands with an ace SEO agency or service provider to stay guided and well advised. It will help your in-house SEO staff. To know more about this, you can check out Social Market Way

You can use the following steps to ensure positive results in a slow economy.


Maximize the marketing activity


As the economy slows down, usually people put a pause on the marketing activities. They minimize the costs every way possible. However, this strategy can result in a downfall. It is easy to understand why this can happen! If your marketing activity gets minimized, you lose out on valuable exposure as well. Less exposure means less revenue. It’s a negative downward spiral, and you should omit this.

A slow economy is a great time to review all the marketing strategies and recognize ineffective tactics, channels, and campaigns. You can even delete these. However, that should be an ongoing practice. Anything that you save will eventually get invested in some form or the other in your business. The added benefit is the fact that when the economy is not at its best, all the other market players and competitors will reduce their marketing initiative as well. And it will give you increased advertising scopes. And at times, you can get this done at a decreased price that you have access to. 

SEO professionals need to take a leap of faith and maximize their marketing. It might seem counterproductive for a while, but then SEO professionals will soon see the difference.


Get involved with direct sales 


Most SEO professionals aren’t very fond of the word “sale.” And that is the reason why very few place emphases on networking. And even a lesser number gets some business procured. However, the good news here is that it is familiar with all or most of your market-players. So, do you not prefer the idea of being out in public and get involved in direct sales? If yes, then you need to reconsider a few things. It is essential to move away from this feeling if you wish to make the most of a slugging economy.

Sales don’t necessarily mean high-pressure, sales-y tactics. It doesn’t indicate making a client uncomfortable with a sales proposal, forcing them to make a purchase. It is more to do with strategic initiatives. The best way to go about it is to choose a specific section of high-end prospects and start by connecting with them through a phone call, email as well as other face-to-face interactions.

The ultimate objective is to bag a client. The aim is to create a bond. It could mean you make a phone call or send a business proposal. It will help you to introduce your brand. And after that, you can start to qualify for the sales process slightly more. Take time out to understand the business requirements and pitch your product through a sales proposal mail. Here you can make use of the required keywords, to attract your client’s attention. For this, you need to do some extra background and research work. You should have this entire strategy planned. Else, there might be careless mistakes, which can cost you more during an economic downswing. 


Make the most referrals 


Most SEO professionals get a massive chunk of their work through referrals. And when the time comes, it is always best to connect with the references and ask for further recommendation. Make sure that you are clear about your business plans with the referrals. That will help them assist you better. You can send out a mail to the ones present in your referral list. Also, if there are a few names, that you feel you should get connected individually, go ahead and do that.

Your referrals might not have immediate work for you! The idea is to wait and get back when you deem fit. Sometimes, getting work means being active in your referral follow-up. Make sure you manage your referral list effectively even when the economy is back to a good shape.


Complete what you’ve undertaken


SEO professionals are never entirely out of a job! Even when the economy is sluggish, there’s some work or the other finish. It could be managing a keyword list, preparing cluster keywords, competitor analysis, and the like. You might have to develop a PPC strategy for a client that they will use once the economy bounces back. So, while you leverage your referral list and get engaged in direct sales, make sure that you don’t ignore what you have at hand.

Carry on with the SEO plan that you had proposed your client, for whom you are already working. But consider the current economic condition and make the necessary changes. For instance, it makes sense to reduce the SEO content and blog frequency when there’s an economic downturn. You might want to focus only those keywords of which you are certain. Experimenting with long-tail keywords and keyword cluster can happen later. Try and rephrase the old web content by adding a new tweak. It is a perfect time to make these critical changes.

These are some of how SEO professionals can still stay in business during a slow economy. It helps them to respond according to the current situations and also ensure that they don’t go out of business. You can even think of other strategies as they survive through the slow economy phase.


Ready for More? Scalable Shopify Plus Sites Support Online Merchant Growth

Ecommerce websites continue to flood the Internet, making it a greater challenge to remain relevant in a busy marketplace. Getting heard above the din requires creativity and an interactive site that attracts targeted traffic. Learn more about how Shopify Plus sites are scalable to support online merchant growth.

Be in Good Company

Choosing the right platform is a challenge for online merchants. It makes sense to find out the platform other industry leaders prefer. Selecting Shopify Plus means being in good company. Corporations that use the platform include Unilever and Kylie, a brand known for attracting heavy traffic. From special releases to epic sales, a robust platform can handle the traffic coming to a merchant site.

Provide an Outstanding User Experience

As the competition gets fiercer, it makes sense to provide an outstanding user experience. Shopify Plus is an award-winning eCommerce platform designed to accommodate high volume merchants. The cloud-based platform offers a seamless experience to encourage visitors to trust the site and make purchases rather than surfing away in frustration. Each year, the platform processes billions of dollars in transactions, making it a viable solution for large corporations.

Multichannel Capabilities

Making money means being able to sell a variety of products on all the leading marketplaces and social networks. Multichannel capabilities improve sales by putting businesses in the right place at the right time. Plus, it helps broaden brand awareness to ensure customers recognize the company and its offerings. Improved customer engagement encourages visitors to take action and come back for more.

Unlimited Bandwidth

Unlimited bandwidth means the site can continue to grow without worrying about slow loading times or a less than satisfactory user experience. Shopify Plus sites have 99.97 percent uptime to give users a fast and pleasant experience at merchant sites. With an SaaS model, smaller companies can also afford to invest in Shopify Plus because it helps reduces IT costs over time.

Accept Payments

As an online merchant grows, it becomes increasingly important to provide different payment methods to customers. Having the option to pay a specific way improves conversion rates and customer retention. With Shopify Plus, merchants can offer access to dozens of payment gateways such as PayPal and Bitcoin. Customers who can always find a method to pay for what they want at the site will return to shop in the future.

A Secure Online Environment

An online merchant must provide a secure online environment where customers feel comfortable sharing private information. Updated security measures ensure the site can safely capture and process payment data and other pertinent info to process orders and stay connected with customers. Providing the highest level of security builds trust in the brand and helps transform visitors into paying customers. Plus, fraud prevention adds another layer of security for online merchants.

Customizable Site

Be able to customize a site makes an online merchant look different from industry competitors. Developing a recognizable brand with a site to match improves brand recognition and encourages customer engagement. And, website owners can revamp their merchant sites to reflect current trends and offerings to ensure the site never looks outdated. Fresh content attracts search engines and targeted traffic to help online merchants grow their businesses to the next level of success. Shopify Plus designers and developers help companies find the ideal format for their online stores.

Online merchant growth requires patience, effort, and attention to detail. Choosing the Shopify Plus platform is the foundation for success. As the enterprise expands, the site will be able to accommodate the increased number of visitors and activities. And well-established companies discover a platform that does what they need better, faster, and with greater scalability than other platforms.