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The Top Five Ways Your Business Can Use a Web Based Asset Tracking Software

Web-based asset tracking software: An Overview

If you lack processes to trace the whereabouts of your business assets, you’re likely at the risk of losing both time and money. With the rapid rise in business mobility, an asset tracking software has become a must for most businesses. This is a solution that helps your business keep track of its assets and inventory, improving transparency and lowering storage and maintenance costs across the fold.

According to a study, at least 91% of corporate employees use one business application on their smartphones, with 23% of them saying this tends to increase their overall productivity. Automated asset management does exactly that. It allows you to implement a robust management process to monitor your tools and log instant updates in your system. Doing this has the following benefits for your firm:

  1. Compliance with industry standards: Working in a competitive market opens up a lot of challenges. One of them is to abide by standard industry rules and regulations. Accurate asset records make this easier to do.
  2. Lower administrative costs: Once you automate your asset management process, you don’t need to place manual controls on check-ins and check-outs. This enables you to cut down on administrative costs and improve efficiency.
  3. The ability to scale easily: During the course of its operations, companies are likely to accumulate assets. In such cases, it often becomes difficult to scale existing asset management processes. An asset tracking software allows you to do this with minimal effort.

In order to gain additional revenue from your assets, the best way forward would be to invest in an asset tracking system that enables you to do all this and more. Here’s a look at the top 5 ways your business can use this solution:

Number 1: Create barcode tags for assets to improve visibility

Depending on its industry, every company comprises of a few departments. Each department has a specific set of assets which are designated to its employees. To ensure smooth completion of daily tasks, it is imperative that these tools are easily traceable. In order to do that, an asset tracking solution lets you label your equipment for faster retrieval.

Using the barcode technology, every tool is assigned a unique identification code which helps to check-in and check-out. Employees simply have to scan the tag and all relevant information will be entered into the system. Carefully tagged assets have a lower risk of misplacement and improved transparency, which leads to higher productivity levels. To this end, maintaining asset tagging best practices is vital for efficiency.

Number 2: Prevent outages with automated stock management

When working in time-sensitive environments, one has to be cautious about stock management. For instance, hospitals deal with medicines which tend to expire in a few years’ time. What if these medicines aren’t replenished on time? Feeding patients expired tablets can lead to grave consequences for both the institution and the lives of the people admitted. For this reason, companies should opt for automated stock management routines.

With the help of an asset tracking tool, you can set threshold levels whenever stock reaches a specific amount. Before you cross this level, you can generate purchase orders for new stock. This way you don’t have to pile up on extra stock or suffer from untimely outages.

Number 3: Ensure traceability through instant location updates

If you are a highly mobile company, you understand the complications involved when moving assets. Haphazard placement of tools and machines can result in a waste of time and delay of daily activities. To tackle such problems, an online asset tracking software lets you enter locations for all your equipment. With barcode labels assigned, employees can also scan assets through their smartphones when on the move. Doing so automatically revises GPS coordinates to prevent any confusion.

Once you record locations of all your assets, warehouse management becomes much more organized. Employees can speed up check-ins and checkouts if they know exactly where a machine is placed, thereby improving business efficiency and traceability with instant location information.

Number 4: Schedule audits to verify consumption patterns

Holding a large asset base makes you a victim of unauthorized practices. To keep a check on asset usage, your company should carry out frequent audits. As a part of a diverse set of features, an asset management solution lets you hold audits in a systematic manner to avail the following advantages:

  • Align your asset management practices against proposed methods
  • Make corrections to enable comparability and compliance
  • Eliminate the risks of data breaches and other unwarranted operations

Going over the financial records of your company gives you an opportunity to match the actual results versus those that are recorded. By doing so, you can spot any malpractices in asset management and make necessary amendments. You can, therefore, maintain the credibility of your asset accounts through certified audits for your company.

Number 5: Run recurring service events for prolonged useful life

Physical assets have a predetermined useful life after which they have to be disposed of. In order to derive the maximum outcomes during this period, it is critical to that you keep your tools in good shape. This can be done by carrying out extensive maintenance sessions for your equipment and machines. Every time you check-in a new piece of machinery, the software automatically assigns it service tickets.

Compiling relevant data from associated vendors, the software sets up advance notifications for every maintenance session to achieve the following:

  • Lower overhead costs by reducing the need for capital replacements
  • Improved asset performance and efficiency due to increased uptime
  • Planned maintenance lets you tackle unwanted delays in work operations

With the ability to custom design your repair events, your assets have a higher chance at extended useful life. Make sure none of your tools get missed out on optimized repair and service sessions.

Develop high-performance strategies with a web-based asset tracking software

Small and medium-sized businesses operate on restricted budgets and cannot afford poor asset management. A company’s assets are capital investments which need to be fully utilized in order to gain maximum rate of returns. For this reason, many firms choose an asset tracking business tool to help set their business towards a path for improved performance and growth.

With facilities like RFID tracking, organizations can carry out mass actions at once. This saves time when it comes to checking in large shipments. The software also allows you to plan office events with a dashboard and availability calendar to reserve items and venues in advance. Doing this lets you avoid last-minute cancellations and carry out flawless meetings and conferences.

For companies struggling to maintain a database, asset management software can be used to create customized templates for all their tools. You can add fields as per your requirements to differentiate assets between departments and so on. All these features build up business proficiency and allow you to gain increasing economies of scale – all through simply tracking your assets!


This post was contributed by EZOfficeInventory, a web-based asset tracking software for asset-intensive companies wanting to lower overheads and improve ROIs.


What is Online Reputation Management?

In our digital age, what people say about you online really can make or break your business. Reviews and recommendations are the one-stop-shop for consumers who haven’t yet made a decision about which hotel to lodge at while on vacation or what restaurant to dine at tomorrow night. While smart marketers enable SEO as a part of their marketing strategy, they’re not yet familiar with what is online reputation management and how it can help protect their brand reputation.


If you’re in the market for a new L-shaped couch or a smoothie blender, you’re going to do your due diligence by researching competitors online. Online reputation management (ORM) experts can ensure that companies’ branded keywords reveal the positive elements of their brand on the first page of Google. Here’s exactly how they do it:


  • They Take a Swiffer to Google’s First Page: Does a slanderous press release haunt the first or second ranking on Google under your branded keywords? Through proven content marketing tactics, ORM experts create loads of unique articles and send them to their network of bloggers to be posted as backlink juice. Essentially, the ORM specialist places anchor texts with your specific keyword in each article, linking back to a desired positive result on the first page. After a few months (depending on the severity of the case), Google will eventually place more prominence on the positive results and rank it above the unwanted press release.
  • They Put You on the Map: The backbone of ORM is SEO, a vital strategy used to get Google to notice your brand. The more prominence you have on the SERP, the more business you’ll be generating. ORM specialists will create microsites, social profiles and local listings for your company to rank high on. Maintaining a digital presence will entice more consumers to write reviews about your company, resulting in greater customer trust and brand credibility.
  • They Protect Your Brand Long-Term: Companies such as make it their mission to protect brands’ reputation in the long-run. They do this by securing microsites for their clients with their branded keywords as the domains. After the client is pleased with the suppression work that was done on the negative results, it is highly recommended for clients to keep their domains in case other bad press releases come along. The more branded online properties you can secure, the greater chance you have in protecting your reputation from slander.


We live in a time where business cards are replaced by a quick Google search. Online reputation management is not a luxury, it is a necessity for both e-retailers and brick-and-mortars. If you work in a competitive profession such as dentistry or medicine, you no longer have a reason to stay up at night worrying about your reputation if you can hire an ORM agency to take care of your qualms. Your reputation is the most sensitive and vulnerable asset that you own. Protect it wisely with online reputation management.


7 Ways to Establish Credibility for Your Business

With many new startups popping up every day, it’s only a matter of time before your business gets lost in the crowd. This is because every established name out there has something new business lack, in particular, credibility.

The very first step to achieve that credibility is, of course, to come up with a professional name using a business name generator. Without a credible name, your business will have a hard time convincing new customer into buying your products or services.

What’s more, stockholders will be even more skeptical before they decide whether it is prudent to invest their money into your growing business. The best way to convince all of these skeptics and eliminate any remaining doubt about your business is by first establishing some credibility and these are the seven ways to do so.

1. Listen to your consumers

Let’s face it, nobody likes it when their opinions don’t matter and their voices fall on deaf ears. As Mike from Bootstrap Business puts it, establish credibility by listening to your customers. Be known as the brand that actually cares. If your target audience thinks something is a really bad idea, consider changing it and let them know you are doing so. For example, just recently EA games broke the record on Reddit by getting the most downvoted post in the site’s history with their post about microtransactions in their new Star Wars Battlefront 2 video game. The backlash was so severe that they have removed micro-transactions completely in the end. Therefore, make sure that your community is behind you or you’ll find yourself with no one to sell your products to.

2. Provide only the best quality products or services possible

Let your product speak for itself. If you offer the best burgers in town, for a reasonable price, it’ll do the marketing for you. Word of mouth marketing is essential for new businesses as this will be the thing that establishes your credibility with your initial customers. Moreover, if you develop a bad reputation at the very start it’ll be increasingly difficult for you to find and retain new customers. Don’t go down that road and offer only the best quality services that you can.

3. Be honest with your customers

There’s nothing worse than blatantly lying to your clients. Eventually, the truth will come out and your credibility will take a huge hit from which it may not recover. If the jackets you’re selling aren’t made of real leather, then say so. If you do, your business will become known for dishonesty and that’s not something that just goes away. In the business world, honesty goes a long way and it’ll do wonders for your credibility with both partners and clients alike.

4. Be reliable

You’re the new kid on the block, you need to prove yourself first. Don’t make the mistake of being all talk and no action. Establish your credibility by consistently being reliable. Let business partners know that they can always count on you to uphold your end of the bargain. For example, reassure them by offering a performance bond to your clients as insurance that you’ll get the job done. In other words, make them an offer they cannot refuse.

5. Get client testimonials

If you’ve been doing business for some time now, you’ve probably come across partners and other business associates on your entrepreneur journey. Chances are they liked working with you and are more than willing to vouch for your good name. Use this to your advantage and put the testimonials of these clients on your website. Just make sure that they don’t have a bad reputation, otherwise, you’ll do more harm than good to your brand.

6. Announce reached milestones

People absolutely love to see progress. Get the hype train going and post about the progress your business has made on the internet. Has your business received a large outside investment? Announce it on your website. One hundredth customer milestone reached? Post it on Facebook and Twitter. Moving to a new office, introducing a new quality management document control and so on and so forth. Whatever it takes to keep the momentum going, just remember to stay positive.

7. Stay active on social media

Finally, get noticed on social media to gain some credibility there as well. Now, this kind of credibility is a bit different but it’s important nonetheless. Social media platforms are a good way to interact with your customers, the main thing is to stay consistent with your tone, so people can get to know you in a sense. For example, look at Wendy’s fast food chain. Their snarky tweets and rough comebacks made their Twitter profile go viral overnight. Now they use this roasting strategy as their social media trademark, it’s what defines them as Wendy’s and sets them apart from McDonald’s and Burger King.

In conclusion, establishing good credibility in the early stages is crucial if you plan on really kickstarting your business later on. Hence, don’t shoot yourself in the foot by offering poor customer service and bad quality products or you’ll just lose the same. Be ahead of your competitors and lead by example.


What Are The Top 5 Software Development Trends For 2018?

Software Development is currently considered the world’s best job. This is because we all use some sort of software in our everyday lives ranging from Wall Street to your living room and oil rigs to video games. Considering these things, 2018 will prove to be an important and exciting for developers and software.

Without additional upheaval, we are presenting 5 software development trends that will govern 2018.

Infographic created by Donnelley Financial Solutions, a financial consolidation software provider

1.  Demand for Blockchain Developers Will Dramatically Upsurge

The blockchain is a constantly expanding list of records, known as blocks; they are secured and connected using cryptography. This technology has dignified to revolutionize almost every industry.

In 2018 it is expected that companies in all industries are going to create apps on blockchain platforms. This indicates that demand for blockchain will dramatically upsurge. According to the various analysis conducted in 2016, the number of blockchain developers worldwide was 5000 only. With the conviction that quantity increased in 2017, nevertheless, it still diminishes in contrast to more than 18 million Java developers. 2018 will prove to be a gold rush for developers who commit themselves to the blockchain, and the majority of them will come away a whole lot richer.

2.  IoT Gets Pushed To The Edge

Wearables like Apple and Fitbit get the majority of the public attention; however, they are just a niche in the enormous IoT ecosystem. Almost all the things are transforming into the data-gathering device; from living rooms to sea oil rigs and from roads to cars. These devices collect the huge quantity of data, and IT companies are researching about the quicker and cheaper techniques of processing it all. This is where edge computing is expected to play its role in this year.

Edge computing utilizes a set of microdata centers to practice data close to the device, or at the “edge” of the system. Giving out on the edge saves money and time from transferring all of the data to a consolidated data center. This means IoT devices will be able to implement quicker actual-time data analytics, despite being in a place that has poor connectivity. This a big blessing for end users.

3.  Cyber Security Reaches A Modulation Point

There are two categories of cybersecurity initiatives: internal and external. Under internal cybersecurity initiative, businesses concentrate on creating security within their software. DevOps teams must concentrate on systematizing security testing into their software development lifespan. This will assist to make sure that susceptibilities are not familiarized during development.

Under external cybersecurity initiative, venture capitalists are overflowing cybersecurity startups with capital, to $3.4 Billion in 2016. As per Cruchbase Unicorn Leaderboard, there were five cybersecurity startups of worth exceeding one billion dollars in 2016. In 2018, we are expected to see more. You can follow CNS blog to keep track of the latest cyber security trends.

4.  Artificial Intelligence Becomes The Basic Need

Forrester forecasts that AI will haze the limitations between unstructured and structured data, and 50% of CDO’s will begin to report straight to the CEO. As a consequence, more than 13% of data relevant jobs on are of data engineers, in comparison with one percent of data scientists. This replicates the requirement for action-oriented, practical data professionals that can unswervingly influence the bottom line.

5.  Virtual Reality Perhaps Go Mainstream

2017 was a complete year of commercially-available, high-end VR headsets. Facebook’s HTC Vive and Oculus Rift commanded the technique in full-power VR systems (as opposition to smartphone-powered systems like the Galaxy Gear VR), but acceptance has been dawdling. Forecasters predict less than one million units to be sold between the two.

However, both of these systems are expected to make big moves in a market in 2018. HTC and Facebook have both decreased the prices significantly on their top headsets. HTC proclaimed a separate headset just weeks after Facebook exposed the Oculus Go. Both of these “lite” headsets will begin at a lower price point to appeal new users (the Oculus Go will begin at $199).


After viewing the discussion above, it can be said that all the software development companies must keep an eye in these trends. So, that they could incorporate them into their business practices while developing a software.

Author Bio:

Ray Parker is an entrepreneur and internet marketer with over 15 years of experience in Search Engine Optimization, Creative Writing and Digital Marketing with IQVIS. He has worked with several clients from all over the globe to offer his services in various domains with a proven track record of success.


Important Steps You Need to Take In Order Keep Your Website Protected

Every online business has to invest in some form of defense against cyber-attacks. Luckily, setting up proper online security has never been easier, thanks to the wealth of resources available online on the topic. The best approach in this matter is to establish multiple layers of defense so that there are fail-safes in place in case something goes wrong. In the rest of this article, we will bring you up to speed with a number of established methods for improving website security, which you can then combine to create a truly impregnable defense system.

Keep Your CMS Up-To-Date

Modern e-commerce websites rely on content delivery and management systems (CMS for short) such as Magento, Drupal or WordPress to conduct their business. These frameworks are popular for a reason – they make the tasks of website creation and maintenance much more convenient. If your company is using one of these software suites, make sure you are always running the latest stable version. Older versions of software often have security holes that hackers can exploit to compromise your website. If you can’t be bothered to constantly check whether your website is running the latest version of CMS, be sure to turn on automatic updates.

Create Strong Passwords

Every computer user should know by now that creating strong passwords is the bare minimum when it comes to protecting yourself online. A good password should include letters and numbers in different cases, combined with other punctuation marks. Avoid familiar dates, names and common words at all costs as well. If you have trouble remembering your passwords, try using password management software. They are a much more effective way of keeping track of passwords, and some even offer the option of creating random ones for one time use.

Outsource Security

Setting up adequate security for a website can take its toll on company resources, especially for smaller businesses. It can be a resource-intensive, time-consuming process, which is why some companies opt to seek third-party assistance. IT security experts from firms like the Picnet IT Company can offer a wide range of services at various budget levels. This is especially advisable for companies that lack a full-time IT department, as worrying about security measures often falls on the back of webmasters who are already buried with work as it is.

Monitor For File Changes

A common tell that a site has been hijacked is sudden file changes. These are often hard to notice for larger websites with lots of moving parts, which is you should set up a monitoring system to track these changes for you. That way, you will be able to tell who and when is making the changes to which files. A good rule of thumb is that if your developer is changing something, it is probably safe, and everything else should be viewed with suspicion.

Be On The Lookout For Malware

Malicious software has been around since the early days of the internet. These programs can cause all sorts of harm, including creating backdoors for further attacks, loading up malicious code, spying, stealing credit card information and personal data, and more. Malware is one of the most common means of attacking a website. To find out whether your site is being compromised, it is necessary to do a thorough scan of every file and folder on the server. There are plenty of software suites on the market that can detect and remove suspicious-looking code. Be sure to check for malware at least on a weekly basis, if not daily.

Carefully Observe User Behavior

Most websites today allow visitors to create user accounts to access particular features. It is therefore important to assign appropriate permissions to each user. Managing permissions is essential in order to prevent attacks from compromised accounts. Always be on the lookout for suspicious user behavior, such as excessive access requests, downloads, changes in account information, etc. When a user keeps accessing your websites from different IPs constantly, this can also be a sign of an attack. It goes without saying that you should promptly ban users as soon as they start displaying malicious behavior.

Protect Transaction Data

E-commerce business usually takes the steps to at least handle transaction data in a secure manner, usually through the use of third-party payment service providers such as PayPal. However, since getting a hold of payment data is such a lucrative prospect, websites are constantly being attacked in order to obtain it. Malware is the usual culprit during these attacks, so usual anti-malware measures apply. Additional, adding a layer of encryption on files that contain transaction data ensures that even if security is breached, hackers will end up with data that they can’t immediately use, giving you the time to take necessary measures to address the situation.

Set Up A Firewall

The most common ways to hack a website are SQL injections, application vulnerability exploits, and malicious code. Setting up a firewall is the first line of defense against these sorts of attacks. Firewalls come in two types, hardware-based ones, and software solutions. The modern operating system almost always includes firewall software, so make sure it is turned on. Hardware solutions come in the form of routers and modems, which can block data coming from suspicious IP addresses on the web. The best practice is to combine the two for maximum safety.

Test For Vulnerabilities

The internet is always undergoing some form of change. New software gets released, different standards get adopted, and user behavior is constantly evolving, and hackers are coming up with new methods of attack. New threats are being found out daily, and one way to stay ahead of the curve is to constantly test your defenses of possible vulnerabilities. There are two basic ways to test your website for pathways of an incursion. The first is to send particular queries to your website to see how it handles unusual requests. If it starts behaving in ways it shouldn’t, you can make the appropriate adjustments. The second way is more thorough web application penetration testing, which works by emulating an actual attack, and seeing if your defenses can hold. This type of testing goes beyond surface-level assessments, delving into the application’s functionality, architecture, and underlying code. Moreover, with penetration testing, you can not only address current vulnerabilities but also enhance your overall security posture by promoting awareness and proactive risk management.


While no amount of security will guarantee that your website will not fall under attack, adopting some of the practices which we have outlined above will go a long way in giving your site a fighting chance against common threats. Try to remain vigilant at all times, and respond quickly as soon as you become aware that your site is being hacked.


How to Choose a Dash Cam for Your Car

Have you ever seen unbelievable footage online that someone just happened to catch on their drive to the office? Although these entertaining videos can offer some respite from a boring workday, that’s not why people are buying dash cams and recording their commute. Dash cams offer an unbiased account of what happens on the road, meaning they could work to your advantage if you need to support your side of the story after a collision, identify another car in a hit-and-run, or catch the person who vandalized your parked car.

Dash cams are becoming increasingly popular, with one survey reporting that nine percent of people already use a dash cam, and 26 percent think it’s a good idea to have one. And Grand View Research firm projects that the market for dash cams will be valued at $1.8 billion (U.S.) by 2022. If you’re looking to get in on the trend and buy a dash cam for your vehicle, you’ll want to take these factors into consideration when picking the perfect camera for your car.

Video Quality

If you’re relying on any footage you capture to provide evidence in an accident (such as the license plate of a car that hit you and took off), you’ll want to opt for a camera with a higher video resolution. Many dash cams will offer a resolution of 1080p, which should provide sharp enough footage for your needs. When considering video quality, don’t forget that a camera with night vision is also a must-have if you’re driving in the dark, or else you won’t have a clear video if an incident happens when the sun is down. If you are in an accident and plan on filing a claim, when you meet with your auto accident attorney they will want to see the footage. Video quality should be clear enough to build a solid case on your behalf.


How much your camera stores will depend on a few things, like the size of its memory card and the video resolution (the higher the resolution, the more storage you’ll need). Check out whether the camera supports larger memory cards – many will be able to handle a 64GB card.

If you’re worried that you won’t have enough storage for your long drives even with a large memory card, you’ll want to make sure your camera offers loop recording. This function allows your camera to automatically record over old footage when it runs out of storage; just remember, you’ll need to download and save any vital footage from a collision before it’s erased. You can also invest in a camera with an impact sensor, meaning it immediately saves footage if you’ve been in a collision.

Fields of View

A dash cam records the view of your drive through your car’s windshield, so it won’t help if you’re hit from behind. To cover yourself from all angles, you can find a package that comes with both a dash cam and a rear view mirror cam. Because you’ll be recording twice the footage, you may have to settle for a slightly lower resolution.

You can also find cameras that record while your vehicle is parked. A camera with buffered parking mode, for example, continuously records while your vehicle is parked, but only saves the footage if an impact is detected.

Other Features

An automatic on/off function will start and stop recording when you turn your engine on and off. Since your dash cam is only good to you if it’s capturing vital footage, this feature ensures you never forget to record your drive.

Some dash cams also come with GPS. While this won’t provide you with navigation support, it will log the speed and location of your car, which could be handy for arguing against an unjust speeding ticket or keeping tabs on your teen driver.

In addition, you’ll want to decide whether or not to purchase a dash cam with a screen, which would allow you to review footage immediately, rather than downloading it to your computer for viewing. The downside? The screen takes up extra room, obstructing more of your view from the windshield and potentially acting as a distraction.

Finally, take a look at how your camera will be mounted to your vehicle. If you’re switching it between cars, you’ll want something that’s easy to regularly install and remove – likely with suction cups. If you’re keeping it in one vehicle, a more secure mounting option might take a little longer to install, but will ensure it stays put regardless of extreme temperatures or an impact.

Although car insurance providers don’t currently offer a discount for installing a camera on your car, a video recording from your dash cam could be used to support your claim in the event of an accident. At the very least, you might just record a viral video that will provide a moment of fun for office workers around the world!

Featured image copyright: asawinklabma / 123RF Stock Photo


4 Key Areas that Affect Engagement in Marketing Videos

It is important that your marketing videos are able to engage viewers and keep them watching while encouraging them to respond to it in some way or other.

While videos are naturally more engaging than most other types of content, there are still a few areas that can make a huge difference in their engagement – just check out these awesome examples!

Assuming you’d like to create more engaging marketing videos, there are 4 key areas that you should focus on:

Video duration

People tend to have short attention spans nowadays, and the longer a video is the more likely viewers are to stop watching. As such if you want to retain and engage viewers, it is important that you optimize the video duration.

The ‘best’ duration for engagement will vary depending on your platform and target market. Generally it is best to keep it under a minute, and sometimes even under 30 seconds for some social media platforms.

First few seconds

During the first few seconds of a video, viewers will decide whether to keep watching – which makes them extremely important. Typically that decision takes place in the first 8 to 10 seconds, though it can sometimes be a bit more than that.

At the end of the day, however, that means you have a very short timeframe during which you should do your utmost to interest viewers by outlining what your video is about and highlighting its benefits.


Have you noticed that funny, inspirational, or even controversial videos tend to have high levels of engagement? That is because people are more likely to watch and respond to videos that trigger emotions, and you should attempt to do the same.

Provoking an emotional response to a video can be tricky, but it is one of the reasons why storytelling can help to frame the video, make viewers feel connected with the subject, and emotionally invested.

Call to action

The call to action in marketing videos is particularly important in terms of engagement because it is what you’ll use to encourage viewers to perform certain actions. Try to make sure your call to action is strong, and gives viewers a good reason why they should perform the action by letting them know how it will benefit them.

Be sure to take into account these 4 areas during the planning stage, and also make sure that you record high-quality footage that looks good. If you want a way to create impressive marketing videos, you should try using Movavi Screen Capture Studio. It will let you capture video from your screen as well as other sources, and you can edit it using it too.

With the built-in editor in Movavi Screen Capture Studio, you can compile marketing videos, enhance their quality, apply special effects, add captions, include background music, and much more. In short by the time you’re done you should end up with an impressive-looking marketing video that is more likely to attract attention and engage viewers – especially if you focused on the areas listed above.


Is Marketing Automation Right For You? 3 Questions You Need To Ask

If you’re in marketing, there’s a good chance you’ve heard some buzz about ‘marketing automation’. For the past five-plus years it seems like most marketers (and sales reps for that matter) have been dazzled by the concept. And for good reason — it’s intended to make marketing and sales efforts easier and more impactful.

For almost everyone else, the term is probably somewhat familiar but also quite vague.

If that sounds like you, here’s the (very condensed) scoop:

Marketing automation is the use of software to automate repetitive marketing actions (like social media scheduling and campaign emails) with the goal of making those actions easier.

Should You Do It?

While marketing automation continues to gain even greater traction — pushed along by smarter and smarter technology — it’s important to note that it isn’t for everyone.

On the plus side, marketing automation can provide enormous gains in scalability and ROI. But it can also minimize your impact elsewhere by consuming too much of your efforts, or worse yet, damage your customer relations if executed poorly.

So, before you start setting up your marketing automation system, take a run-through this decision checklist:

Marketing Automation Decision Checklist

#1 “You Have the (Automation) Dream, but Do You Have the Team?”

Do you have the people and cash? Sure, automation is meant to make your life easier, but you still need actual humans to put into action.

Be reasonable in what you and your team can put into action. Perhaps automating every single marketing task isn’t reasonable, but a few are. Look at your big time-consumers (perhaps a webinar or event email list) and look for tools that can help you automate that one task.

Also remember that many automation tools require a subscription fee. Shop around and find the tools that are best suited to your needs and budget.

#2 “Show Me the… Lists!”

Do you have enough leads for segmentation? A small lead list will make it impossible to create segmentation for your automation programs. As a result, the same small group of leads will be the recipient of every single marketing automation you send out.

(Spoiler alert: bombarding your leads with email after automated email will quickly earn you a spot on their spam list).

So, rather than investing in automation just yet, spend your time building up that lead base. Once you reach a base that’s large enough to segment by customer persona you’ll be ready to put those automation efforts into action.

#3 “You Say You Know Me and but Do You Really Know Me?”

Do you understand your customer base? According to Microsoft, customers are exposed to as many as 600 messages every day (in the form of emails, ads, text messaging and so on). For brands, having the right messaging is therefore critical to getting noticed within this sea of noise.

But getting that messaging right means you need to know a bit about your customers in the first place. Remember, customers expect personalized experiences these days, and customized messaging is a huge part of that experience. One thing that could help you with that is a customer service software.

Tailored messaging that speaks to your customer’s needs and journey will get noticed. Boilerplate, one-size-fits-all content — well, you can guess how that’ll do.

If you don’t know enough about your customers in order to create authentic messaging in your automation efforts, your best bet is to hold off until you do.

Last Thoughts

Marketing automation can be a powerful ROI tool, but it isn’t right for everyone. Before diving in, be sure to fully evaluate where you’re at in terms of resources and lead base. And don’t be afraid to start small. Not every marketing task has to be automated straight out of the gate. Have fun and good luck!

About the Author: Dean Ara
Dean is the Principal and co-founder of Total Product Marketing — a B2B marketing agency specializing in channel marketing, positioning, and branding for technology clients.


Understanding The Voice Search and Its SEO Value

In the past, voice search was that one feature that everyone knew about but no one actually used. Well, recently Google decided that it was a time for its remodel, which made them invest some serious work in its improvement. As a result, nowadays over 55 percent of the teen populace and 41 percent of adults use this feature on a daily basis. It is expected that by the year 2020 about half of all searches will be conducted in this way. Because of this, it is more than clear that voice search and its SEO value are no longer to be underestimated and here are a couple of things you need to learn about them.

1.    Voice search is mobile friendly

It isn’t by accident that 2015 was the year of the major turnover when it comes to the voice search. You see, this was the year on which Google officially announced that the number of mobile inquiries officially surpassed the number of searches made from PCs. Needless to say, voice search is much more mobile friendly than the traditional search box typing, seeing as how it gives you a hand free option and reduces the chance of making a typo on the tiny smartphone screen. Google executives probably knew just how important this feature is and what they would risk if one of their competitors was to surpass them in this field.

2.    Long-tail keywords

One of the reasons why voice search was so inefficient in the past was due to the fact that it tried to interpret the phonology of words without taking broader context into consideration. Because of this, the value of long-tail keywords becomes more than apparent, seeing as how long-tail keywords always have broader context attached to it. Just by adding a single proposition next to the keyword in question, you are giving the search engine something to use in their interpretation of the phrase.

Now, according to experts behind a reputable SEO company, the major difference between the use of a long-tail keyword is in the traditional search and a voice search. For instance, when people type, they commonly omit proper suffixes and even propositions. The reason why they do this is to save time. However, with voice search, such practice would seem quite unnatural, which makes voice-search-oriented keywords much more grammatical. In other words, these keywords are usually in the form in which they would be in a real conversation.

3.    Location-based inquiries

When it comes to voice searches, a lot of people use them when they need something answered as quickly as possible, preferably on the run. In other words, they usually want to know where they can eat, buy or rent a room. Because of this, it might be wise to focus a bit more on local listings. Similarly, to the situation with long-tail keywords, the location of the person asking the question might also be able to give a broader context. One more thing, listing your phone number and address is also something used in Google’s ranking efforts of your page.

Apart from this, the geographical location of your business matters as well, especially if you are doing SEO in a non-English speaking country. You see, the region you are in might give away the language that is used. Interestingly enough, this could even help out the tourists around any mispronunciation they might make. Therefore, such practice usually works out in everyone’s interest.

4.    Scannable pages

Another important thing you need to take into consideration is the fact that successful voice-search isn’t where your story ends, quite the opposite. Imagine a person who can’t be bothered to type in a simple three-words-long question in the search box. Now ask yourself the following question – would this person be willing to go through the wall of text in order to find the answer they are looking for? The answer to this question isn’t one that is hard to reach.

Therefore, you need to make sure your content is skim- or scan-friendly. What this means is that it needs to be such that a person accessing it has an easy way of discerning all the valuable information in a matter of seconds. You see, the time one spends on your website isn’t such an important metric here and, although 3000 words long blog posts are all the rage at the moment, this is not a practice you should adhere to in a voice search SEO.

Another thing you should do is make sure that your content is touch friendly. You see, most people will simply try to scroll through the page in order to find the information they need and it is your job to make this as simple for them as possible. This means leaving enough whitespace to make the layout scroll-friendly and making clickable elements transparent enough that they can be easily avoided.

In conclusion

At the end of the day, new SEO trends appear and reemerge every day, however, this upset represents something that deserves your full and undivided attention since it is a game-changer. Getting the grip on voice search SEO requires that some of the most experienced digital marketers abruptly change the way they look at the algorithm, which is always a difficult thing to do. Just try to remember the example with long-tail keywords and you will get the full picture. On the other hand, with the ever-growing popularity of the voice search option, they might soon not have a say in the matter.


The Future of Marketing: Machine Learning & Ultra-Personalization

A few years ago, everyone was raving about robots and their ability to perform extraordinary tasks with ease; back then, it did seem very futuristic.

Artificial intelligence, nowadays, however, is no longer a novelty. In fact, the use of AI — a system that allows machines to perform the same tasks a human would — is now very common.

How is Machine Learning the Future of Marketing?

One aspect of AI, machine learning, has the capacity to learn and adapt to enhance its performance. A number of companies have already adopted machine learning in their processes to improve their profits and increase customer interaction. Some companies use it to drive sales, others use it for customer support, while still others use it in their marketing campaigns.

Machine learning can also help you analyze brands and get a deeper understanding of what your customers need.

Demandbase, for example, conducted a study recently that saw 80% of all marketing executives believe that AI will revolutionize the way we approach marketing by 2020. Seems a bit soonish, given that only 10% of marketers are using AI today.

If majority of the companies surveyed agree that artificial intelligence will only continue to advance in the coming years, why aren’t more of them investing in it now? Indeed, why wait until everybody is doing it when you can take advantage of the value AI provides to companies?

The integration of artificial intelligence in the marketing industry will provide marketers with a wide range of benefits from improved decision-making to seamless campaign optimization.

AI will also help marketers run more efficient campaigns using machine learning tools. The most exciting feature regarding machine learning, however, is how it allows for personalization in marketing.

Why Do We Care about Personalization?

Conversion is crucial for any online business. The more visitors are turned into buyers, the more your profits will increase. The Content Marketing Institute reports that highly personalized website experiences deliver better conversion rate optimization.

Machine learning is indeed reinventing all existing products ranging from YouTube to Google Maps and providing users with new experiences. Google Assistant is the best example of personalization regarding machine learning. This innovation not only suggests websites that are similar to your preferences but also uses speech recognition to help you get a better handle on the real world.

Personalization is key to standing out in an industry that keeps getting more and more competitive by the day. With it, companies can keep up with the billions of platforms and search engines that are used by millions of users on a daily basis.  

The Benefits of Ultra-Personalization with Machine Learning

AirBnB provides a great example of how you can ultra-personalize with machine learning to not only better your service but also increase your profits. It has grown exponentially over the past few years thanks to its ability to personalize booking services using machine learning.

Machine learning helps AirBnB manage over 3 million listings and more than 200 million guests by processing data at a faster rate. It also aids company directors in making better decisions for their guests.

For example, AirBnB notes guest preferences regarding price, location, and amenities, among others, to aid in providing the company with an idea of what a particular guest wants. As such, guests get the best packages, and the company saves time while gaining a deeper insight of the locations they should include in their App.

Embracing this innovation in its early stages allowed AirBnB to branch out to ventures such as concierge services, tours, and restaurant bookings, just to mention a few.

Eliminate Marketing’s Imprecise Nature

With machine learning, marketers no longer have to throw campaign seeds on vast acres of fertile soil and wait for them to take root. Machine learning has enabled them to analyze customer behaviors and suggest the products that will most likely capture their attention. The trial and error methods of the past are not only time consuming but also bear less fruit when it comes to conversion rates compared to machine learning.

An owner of a boutique yoga studio, for example, can now view ads speaking directly to and about their business as opposed to general announcements regarding fitness website builders.  AI empowers companies to precisely target the right customers with the right products with unsurmounted efficiency.   

Say the Right Thing to the Right Audience

Just as explained above with personalized campaigns, machine learning also enables marketers to craft taglines, slogans, and marketing messages precisely as opposed to using feelings or hunches. It not only helps marketers craft what to say to the audience but also shows the expected reaction. Platforms such as Twitter have been used by marketers to monitor chatter and gather responses regarding a particular service or product.

As such, copywriters and brand specialists can tweak ads in real time to respond to trending replies or comments, enabling them to surface the right message.

Give Customers What They Want Before They Need It

Trends and consistent purchase patterns have helped thousands of companies forecast demand for a long time. However, machine learning does one better by giving customers what they want before they even know they want the product or service.

While they will still be suggestions, the information presented will be concrete. Take for example the Family Hub™ Refrigerator by Samsung. It not only keeps track of your food levels using three cameras and AI, but it also recommends recipes based on the ingredients on-hand.

This refrigerator can even organize your family eating schedule and notify you when you need to visit the grocery store. Amazon and Alibaba, as well as thousands of other industry leaders, are employing the same technique with wonderful results.


Machine learning tools will not only add ultra-personalization to your marketing experience but will also better your interaction with your clientele. A general message for everyone is no longer an option for marketers; in this age of artificial intelligence, an ultra-personalized experience is vital in making your customers feel valued and understood.

Guest Author: David Kosmayer is CEO and Founder of Bookmark, an AI-powered website builder disrupting the web design industry. David created his first company at 22 just coming out of college. Marketing Extensions Inc., an online affiliate and marketing agency, was born from the basement of his parent’s home. This company grew under his leadership into a 55-person team, topping $60M in revenue in less than a decade. David is highly focused, dedicated and passionate about building successful companies.